Frog Buddha PhotoLife has a habit of throwing us curve balls—unexpected illness, job loss, the ending of a relationship.  We find ourselves spiraling down a deep well of fear, anger, or shame. We feel “done to”, victimized.

Or we might start the day with negative thoughts: my back hurts, oh no it’s raining, the traffic will be bad, there’s no cream for the coffee, I’ll never pass the exam.  We focus on “what’s wrong” in an attempt to feel in control.  This is actually OK—it’s just what the mind does, and it’s human to be triggered.

The good news: it’s possible to transform emotional negativity into a positive state.  Which, through the power of your intention, can have a positive impact on your challenging situation.

The solution?  FLIP IT!

How?  First, simply allow the negative thoughts and emotions. This is self-love.  You’re taking time, on the fly, to listen to yourself without judgement.

The next step is to FLIP IT.  Take one negative thought or expectation and turn it around, using language that sounds like the positive outcome has already happened.

Three examples:

Negative thought:  “This meeting I have to go to is going to be awful.”  Flip it: “That meeting was fun, easy, successful and everyone felt heard.”

Negative thought:  “I hate this rush-hour traffic I’m so bored”.  Flip it: “I got out and danced like crazy on the hood of my car like those dancers in “La La Land”—ha wouldn’t that be amazing but probably outside your comfort zone!  How about “I relaxed and enjoyed listening to good music during the traffic jam.”

Negative thought:  “I’m freaked out about going to the dentist—it’s going to hurt and my blood pressure will be through the roof.”  Flip it: “I’m relieved the dental trip was so fast, relaxing, and pain-free.”

It’s really quite simple.  Next time you’re in a funk, FLIP IT!  Expect the best. Like the frog Buddha up there at the top of the page.  Clearly it’s the poster child for “Flipping It”:  stuck up to its neck in snow and ice, sappy smile, contentedly expecting the onset of spring.